Guava belongs to the myrtle family; it is cultivated in many tropical areas, such as Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. Guava fruit that is available in Vancouver are mostly imported from Taiwan or Mexico. Its fruit ranges from 4 to 12cm in diameter, usually round or oval, similar to the shape of a pear. Its skin is green when it is immature, and it will turn into light green or light yellow when it is ripe. The flesh of the fruit is white, with numerous small and hard seeds located in the central pulp of the fruit. Some countries cultivate a difference species of guava, which has deep pink flesh under the green skin. Guava has a pronounced and typical fragrance; it tastes like a mix of kiwi, pear and strawberry. It can be used in different dishes, dessert, and beverage, or simply eaten raw in most countries. In Asia, guava is usually sliced and dipped in preserved prune powder for better tasting, because the salt in the prune powder brings out the sweetness of the guava.
Nutritional Facts
Guava is a rich source of soluble fibre, which can protect and reduce the exposure time of colon membrane to toxin; greatly reduces the risk of colon cancer. Its fiber can help to sustain blood glucose level, which makes guava a very beneficial fruit to diabetic patients. It has high level of Vitamin A and C, which help in immune system development and maintenance of the blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. It also contains potassium, which helps to control heart rate and blood pressure. Its high concentration of antioxidant also helps to protect against cell damage and cancer development.
Nelson, D. (2011, October 12) Guava “the Ultimate super food”. Retrieved from
Cespedes, A. ( 2011, March 28) Is Guava Healthy?. Retrieved from